5 Healing Recipes for Your Gut and Adrenals

When you feel like your life is on fast-forward, or that you just cannot keep up with the demands around you, you may be a victim of one of the most common health problems today...

Adrenal Fatigue.

However, just because something is common, doesn't make it acceptable. 

I've discussed adrenal fatigue (and how to recognize it) in an earlier post.  Today, I want to share a great article I found with recipes that are healing in nature, and delicious in taste!  (I personally am going to make the Salmon with avocado sauce for dinner tonight...yum!)

Try one of these 5 recipes designed to not only lower the inflammation in your body, but also to heal your adrenals - putting you back in charge of your life!

5 Recipes To Lower Inflammation and Heal Your Adrenal Fatigue >